CAVANAGH V. MCMAHON et al. - Page 25

          Interference No. 102,668                                                    

                    invention was sufficiently tested at that time to                 
                    demonstrate that the device worked for its intended               
                    purpose.  The opinion is based on the transmit                    
                    response data obtained from the prototype design                  
                    shown in that memo.  In fact, the highly favorable                
                    performance data obtained from that test as reported              
                    in the attached memorandum resulted in the decision               
                    to continue working on this particular design.                    
                    Subsequent tests of Mr. Cavanagh's design repeated                
                    the excellent performance presented in the September              
                    16th memorandum.  This design is now considered to                
                    be an important part of the firm's product line.                  
          The contention that this testimony demonstrates the success of              
          the test results shown in Exhibit C is unpersuasive for two                 
          reasons.  The first is that neither Moore nor any other                     
          witness explained the test data in either exhibit or explained              
          why the test data in these two exhibits are comparable.                     
          Second, Moore failed to explain why the test data in Exhibit G              
          persuade him that the tests described therein were successful.              
                    Even assuming for the sake of argument that the test              
          results in Exhibit C are sufficient to establish successful                 
          operation of the device Packard saw tested, Cavanagh's                      
          evidence is still deficient for failing to demonstrate that                 
          the success of those tests was recognized and appreciated                   
          prior to McMahon's November 15, 1988, filing date.  Estee                   
          Lauder, 129 F.3d at 594, 44 USPQ2d at 1614-15.  While Packard               

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