CAVANAGH V. MCMAHON et al. - Page 31

          Interference No. 102,668                                                    

                    1977); and Rebuffat v. Crawford, 68 F.2d 980, 982,                
                    20 USPQ 321, 324 (CCPA 1934).  Introduction of the                
                    invention into this country on behalf of the                      
                    inventors must be judged by what knowledge was                    
                    imparted to others and by the items brought into the              
                    U.S. by Lofdahl.  Micheletti v. Tapia,  196 USPQ 858              
                    (Bd. Pat. Int. 1976).                                             
                     The alleged unpatentability of Cavanagh's                        
                  claims over disclosures made at the Miami meeting                   
                    To prove that Cavanagh's involved claims are                      
          unpatentable over disclosures made by Jones at the Miami                    
          meeting,  McMahon relies alternatively on the following                     
                    (a) the first Jones affidavit and the Jones                       
          deposition testimony, which is the evidence previously                      
          considered in the June 2, 1994, decision on final hearing;                  
                    (b) the foregoing evidence plus the Lindberg                      
          affidavit, which was submitted with McMahon's denied belated §              
          1.633(a) motion; and                                                        
                    (c)  all of the foregoing evidence plus the Schmid                
          affidavit (initially filed with McMahon's first request for                 
          reconsideration of the June 2, 1994, decision on final hearing              
          and refused consideration on the ground that it is improper to              
          submit new evidence with such a request) and the new                        

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