CAVANAGH V. MCMAHON et al. - Page 37

          Interference No. 102,668                                                    

                    USPQ2d 1996, 2000 n.12 (Comm'r Pats. and Trademarks               
                    1989)].  Note the commentary [Patent Interference                 
                    Proceedings; Final Rule (1984)] 49 F.R. 48424, at                 
                    48442, . . . 1050 O.G. 393 at 411 . . . . indicating              
                    that if affidavits cannot be timely prepared and                  
                    filed with a motion, the moving party may wish to                 
                    take advantage of Rule 1.639(c) which requires a                  
                    party to specify any testimony needed to resolve the              
                    motion.  Irikura et al. did not avail themselves of               
                    this rule nor the [extension of time] provisions of               
          Evidence is considered to have been available if it was on                  
          hand or could have been discovered with reasonable effort.                  
          See Maier v. Hanawa, 26 USPQ2d 1606, 1610 (Comm'r Pats. &                   
          Trademarks 1992):                                                           
                    [I]t is incumbent on a party to make its best                     
                    reasonable effort within the time period allotted by              
                    the EIC [APJ ] to uncover all evidence on which it28                                                    
                    would rely in making a preliminary motion.  If                    
                    information which could have been discovered with                 
                    reasonable effort within the period set by the EIC,               
                    its later discovery after expiration of the period                
                    would not be sufficient cause for delay in the late               
                    filing of any preliminary motion relying on that                  
                    information [footnote regarding extensions of time                
                    under § 1.645 omitted].                                           
          The duty to use reasonable efforts to obtain all relevant                   
          evidence on which the party intends to rely in support of a                 

            Effective October 15, 1993, Examiners-in-Chief (EICs) have28                                                                     
          been authorized to use the title Administrative Patent Judge.  See          
          New Title for Examiners-in-Chief, 1556 Off. Gaz. Pat. & Trademark           
          Office 32 (Nov. 9, 1993).                                                   
                                          - 37 -                                      

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