CAVANAGH V. MCMAHON et al. - Page 27

          Interference No. 102,668                                                    

          evidence of conception or diligence.  Priority as to the                    
          subject matter of the count therefore is being awarded infra                
          to McMahon, with the result that judgment is being entered                  
          against all of Cavanagh's involved claims.  Consequently, it                
          is not necessary to consider (a) McMahon's contention that                  
          Jones's disclosures at Miami meeting constituted an actual                  
          reduction to practice, (b) McMahon's contention that                        
          Cavanagh's claims are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102(a)                
          and/or 103 over those disclosures, or (c) Cavanagh's motion to              
          suppress much of the evidence that McMahon relies on to                     
          establish what was disclosed at the Miami meeting.                          
          Nonetheless, in the interest of completeness we have                        
          considered these issues.                                                    
                           Cavanagh's motions to suppress                             
                    McMahon's record consists of the first Jones                      
          affidavit (which accompanied McMahon's initial § 1.633(a)                   
          motion), Jones's deposition testimony, the Lindberg affidavit               
          that accompanied McMahon's belated § 1.633(a) motion, the                   
          Schmid affidavit that was submitted with McMahon's first                    
          request for reconsideration of the June 2, 1994, decision on                
          final hearing, and new affidavits by Jones, Chapman, and                    

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