Interference No. 103,345                                                    

          invention in existence which can be abandoned, suppressed, or               
                    As for the second model, which was constructed in                 
          February 1990 with a worm gear mechanism, Staples testified                 
          that this model "demonstrated that a worm gear mechanism was                
          suitable for moving the bodies in opposite directions upon                  
          rotation of the threaded member."   We assume for the sake of24                                         
          argument that this model satisfies all of the limitations of                
          the count.  Roberge contends that abandonment, suppression, or              
          concealment is demonstrated by the absence of any corroborated              
          activity during the thirty-one month period between February                
          1990, when the second model was constructed, and September                  
          1992, when Jeffrey Staples met with Lambert to discuss the                  
          preparation of a patent application.  In support of his                     
          contention that a thirty-one month period of unexplained                    
          inactivity is sufficient to establish  abandonment,                         
          suppression, or concealment, Roberge cites Engelhardt v. Judd,              
          369 F.2d 408, 151 USPQ 732 (CCPA 1966) (two years and three                 
          months); Shindelar v. Holdeman, 628 F.2d 1337, 207 USPQ 112                 
          (CCPA 1980), cert. denied, 451 U.S. 984 (1981); and Young v.                

            Staples Supp. Aff., SR 6, para. 6.24                                                                     
                                          - 23 -                                      

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