Interference No. 103,345 The only evidence of record regarding Staples's activities prior to Roberge's June 16, 1992, conception date is Jeffrey Staples's testimony that he16 (a) conceived the invention on December 2, 1979, when he made the drawings identified as Exhibit I; (b) constructed a first model of the invention in January 1980; (c) constructed a second model of the invention in February 1990; and (d) constructed a third, plastic model in February 1992.17 Not only is this testimony uncorroborated by any of the other witnesses, the earliest activity mentioned by any of them is Lambert's September 29, 1992, meeting with Jeffrey Staples concerning the preparation of a patent application, which occurred well after Roberge's June 16, 1992, conception date.18 Supp. Aff., Staples Record (SR) 4-6, paras. 2, 6, and 7.16 As noted supra, Staples's record does not include any of17 these models or any photographs of these models. Hetrick Aff., SR 12, para. 1; Staples Exhibit H.18 - 15 -Page: Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007