Interference No. 103,345                                                    

          show that he was doing anything toward preparing or filing his              
          application during a period of one month or more immediately                
          preceding Williams's September 29 entry into the field.  255                
          F.2d at 424, 118 USPQ at 101.  See also Scharmann v. Kassel,                
          179 F.2d 991, 997, 84 USPQ 472, 477 (CCPA 1950) (January 19                 
          letter referring to earlier patent memorandum was not                       
          immediately prior to opponent's February 15 entry into the                  
          field and thus was not relevant to question of diligence); I                
          C. Rivise and A. Caesar, Interference Law and Practice § 178,               
          at 550 (The Michie Co. 1940).                                               
                    Although Pellemans testified  that "[u]pon review of15                                    
          Mr. Sharma's search report, we recommended filing a patent                  
          application, and began preparation of such an application,"                 
          neither Pellemans nor any other witness testified that any                  
          part of this preparation occurred in the United States.  The                
          only activity said to occur in this country during the                      
          critical period was the receipt by Michael Lasky of                         
          Minneapolis, Minnesota, of Pellemans's December 21, 1992,                   
          letter identified as Exhibit C (Roberge Ex. 3), requesting                  
          that the application be filed in the United States Patent and               

            Pellemans Aff., RR 7-8, para. 6.15                                                                     
                                          - 11 -                                      

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