CABILLY et al. V. BOSS et al. - Page 14

                     Interference No. 102,572                                                                                                                                          

                     sequencing results . Holmes, ¶ 9 (CR-30).  The fragment was purified by PAGE, cleaved                                                                             

                     with Sau3A and the 182 bp fragment isolated by PAGE (fragment 2).  Holmes, ¶ 9 .                                                                                  

                     Thereafter, fragments 1 and 2 were ligated together and the ligation reaction transformed                                                                         

                     into E. coli.  The resultant transformants were analyzed by restriction digestion and                                                                             
                     sequencing to confirm the construction of pKCEAInt1.   Holmes, ¶ 10.  To prepare                                                                                  

                     fragment 3, Holmes testified that he digested pK17G4 DNA with PstI and purified the                                                                               

                     fragment by PAGE.  This fragment was partially digested with AvaII, filled in and purified by                                                                     

                     PAGE.  This fragment was subsequently digested with HpaII and the 497 bp fragment                                                                                 

                     isolated by PAGE (fragment 3). Holmes, ¶ 11 (CR-31).  For fragment 4, Holmes testified                                                                            

                     that he digested the plasmid pKCEAInt1 with AvaI, filled in and digested with XbaI.  The                                                                          

                     large fragment was treated with BAP and isolated by PAGE (fragment 4).  Holmes, ¶ 12.                                                                             

                     The small fragment was digested with HpaII and the 169 bp fragment isolated by PAGE                                                                               

                     (fragment 5).  Holmes, ¶ 12 (CR-31).  Fragments 3, 4 and 5 were ligated and the ligation                                                                          

                     reaction transformed into E.coli.  Resultant transformants were analyzed by restriction                                                                           

                     digestion to confirm the construction of pKCEAInt2. Holmes, ¶ 13  (CR-31).                                                                                        
                                (10) Cabilly testified that he modified plasmid pKCEAtrp207-1* by cleaving out the                                                                     

                     PstI-PvuI fragment from the ampicillin resistance gene, filling it in and relegating the blunt                                                                    

                     ends to yield plasmid pKCEAtrp207-1*delta which is resistant to tetracycline but sensitive                                                                        

                                12The Cabilly et al. brief (page 11, first paragraph) alleges that this analysis and                                                                   
                     isolation of pKCEAInt1 was done on or about October 30, 1982.  No one testified as to                                                                             
                     this date.  id.                                                                                                                                                   

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