CABILLY et al. V. BOSS et al. - Page 7

              Interference No. 102,572                                                                                     

              monomers are linked by disulfide bonds to form the basic dimeric structure of the molecule                   
              (Cabilly et al. specification, page 5).  There are five classes or types of H chains, gamma,                 
              mu, alpha, delta, or epsilon which characterize an individual Ig as an IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD or                 
              IgE, respectively; and two classes of L chains, kappa (6) and lambda (8) (Cabilly et al.                     
              specification, page 5).   Each antibody chain contains a variable region (V) and a constant                  
              region.  The variable region is about 100 amino acids in length and is specific for the                      
              antigen which elicited it.  (Cabilly et al. specification, page 6).  The constant region does                
              not take part in the binding of any antigenic determinant but does serve to link the antibody                
              to other participants in the immune defenses, e.g. to fix complement, and thus makes an                      
              antibody bifunctional.  The variable region of the H and L chain interact closely and when                   
              correctly folded form a three dimensional site at each branch of the Y for binding to a                      
              particular portion or epitope of the specific antigen which elicited the antibody(Cabilly et al.             
              specification, page 5-6, and Boss et al. patent, column 1, line 60-column 2, line 47).                       
                     Kohler and Milstein developed a technique that made it possible to produce                            
              monoclonal antibodies, i.e., homogenous antibodies of a single class and  single                             
              specificity, by the use of hybridoma technology.  Monoclonal antibodies are produced in                      


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