CABILLY et al. V. BOSS et al. - Page 5

                   Interference No. 102,572                                                                                                                         

                   Carter, Ph.D (Carter) , Michael B. Mumford (Mumford), L. Jeanne Perry (Perry), Michael                                                           
                   W. Rey (Rey), all employees of Genentech and John E. Shively, Ph.D., (Shively), an                                                               
                   employee of City of Hope.  Boss et al. did not cross examine any of the witnesses.                                                               
                            Both parties filed briefs and appeared through counsel at final hearing.                                                                
                   Cabilly et al. motion to correct the record                                                                                                      
                            With their reply brief, Cabilly et al. filed a motion to have entered into the record                                                   
                   certain pages which were referred to and relied upon in various declarations but were                                                            
                   omitted from the record when it was filed and served upon Boss et al.   The omission was                                                         
                   first realized when Boss et al. noted, in their brief, that the pages were not in the Cabilly et                                                 
                   al.  record.                                                                                                                                     
                            The motion is granted.  In view of the fact that Cabilly et al. referred to CX-8, pages                                                 
                   224-231 in the Wetzel and Perry declarations and CX-20, page 993 in the declaration, we                                                          
                   find the failure to file these pages with their respective exhibits an oversight on the part of                                                  
                   Cabilly et al.                                                                                                                                   

                            5The Carter testimony was submitted in response to the Boss et al.                                                                      
                   motion for judgment; as noted the motion is not being reviewed at final hearing and thus                                                         
                   the Carter testimony is not relevant to the issues before us and has not                                                                         
                   been considered in rendering this decision.                                                                                                      

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