Ex parte ISENMAN - Page 17

          Appeal No. 1996-1387                                      Page 17           
          Application No. 08/110,269                                                  

          that the material existed and was known to one of ordinary                  
          skill in the art before the appellant’s invention.  The                     
          appellant has not rebutted the presumption with arguments or                
          evidence.  Therefore, we affirm the rejection of claims 12-14.              
          Next, we address claim 16.                                                  

                                      Claim 16                                        
               Regarding claim 16, the appellant argues, “Bornhorst's                 
          filter 32 does not ‘receive infra-red light reflected by said               
          filter.’” (Appeal Br. at 32.)  The examiner replies, ”the                   
          filter 32 of Bornhorst, which transmits, may read [sic] as                  
          reflecting.”  (Examiner’s Answer at 11.)                                    

               We agree with the appellant.  In short, claim 16                       
          specifies a dichroic reflector, which is distinct from its                  
          infrared (IR) filter.                                                       

               Bornhorst employs a dielectric interference filter 32 to               
          filter energy in the "near" IR region before it reaches an LC               
          layer 14.  The interference filter is positioned between the                

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