Ex parte ISENMAN - Page 23

          Appeal No. 1996-1387                                      Page 23           
          Application No. 08/110,269                                                  

          It is unclear to which of the discussions the appellant                     
          refers.  We have rejected many of his arguments.  Accordingly,              
          the statement shows no error in the rejection.  Therefore, we               
          affirm the rejection of claim 23.  Next, we address claim 24.               

                                      Claim 24                                        
               Regarding claim 24, the appellant argues, “the Office                  
          Action has not shown a device having no phase change.”                      
          (Appeal Br. at 27.)  The examiner fails to respond to this                  

               The Examiner erred by not explaining how the prior art                 
          would have suggested the limitations of claim 24.  He has not               
          established a prima facie case of obviousness.  Therefore, we               
          reverse the rejection of claim 24.                                          

               We end our consideration of the claims by noting that the              
          aforementioned affirmances are based only on the arguments                  
          made  in the briefs.  Arguments not raised in the briefs are                
          not before us, are not at issue, and are thus considered                    

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