Ex parte PRZYBYLA et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-3205                                                          
          Application No. 08/157,198                                                  

               This is a decision on appeal from the final rejection of               
          claims 51 through 62.  Claims 1 through 50 have been                        
               The invention pertains to information transmission in a                
          bus system, best illustrated by reference to representative                 
          independent claim 51 reproduced as follows:                                 
               51. Process for serially transmitting information                      
          entities over a serial bus between a plurality of subscribers               
          (ECU1 to ECU4) connected to said serial bus at a common                     
          transmission rate for all of said subscribers, each of said                 
          subscribers transmitting said information entities at said                  
          common transmission rate, said process comprising the steps                 
               a)   providing each of said information entities with a                
          start bit (Sta), said start bit (Sta) being transmitted on                  
          said serial bus at a beginning of transmission of each of said              
          information entities;                                                       
               b)   prior to transmitting said information entities on                
          said serial bus each of said subscribers transmitting said                  
          information entities waits a predetermined bus monitoring time              
          period prior to said transmitting;                                          
               c)   setting a flag after one of said subscribers (ECU1                
          to ECU4) receives one of said information entities, said flag               
          being set indicating receipt of said information entity by                  
          said subscriber;                                                            
               d)   monitoring a logic state of said serial bus with                  
          each of said subscribers during said bus monitoring time                    
          period (T ) thereof at a monitoring rate sufficiently high so               
          that receipt of one of said information entities is                         
          immediately detected during receipt of said start bit (Sta) of              


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