Ex parte PRZYBYLA et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 96-3205                                                          
          Application No. 08/157,198                                                  

          view that appellants’ argument in this regard is misplaced                  
          since the monitoring step d) makes no reference to either                   
          setting or determining the state of the flag.  Hence, we do                 
          not view the examiner’s rationale as reading step d) out of                 
          the claim as appellants appear to suggest.  The problem here                
          seems to stem from appellants’ assumption that step c) of                   
          claim 51 requires setting the flag in response to a start bit,              
          which it does not.  If step c) did, indeed, include that                    
          language, then, perhaps, appellants’ argument would have more               
          credence because then step d), reciting the step of an                      
          information entity being “detected during receipt of said                   
          start bit,” would have a connection to the preceding step c).               
          As claim 51 is presently written, we do not find appellants’                
          argument regarding the setting and determining the state of                 
          the flag to be persuasive.                                                  
               However, we do find persuasive appellants’ argument                    
          regarding the claimed monitoring at a “monitoring rate                      
          sufficiently high so that receipt of one of said information                
          entities is immediately detected during receipt of said start               
          bit.”  While we agree with the examiner that there is nothing               
          in the claim which would require the setting of a flag in                   

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