Ex parte PRZYBYLA et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-3205                                                          
          Application No. 08/157,198                                                  

          transmitted or the subsequent testing of that flag.  The                    
          examiner counters with the argument that the argument is not                
          commensurate in scope with the claimed invention.  More                     
          particularly, the examiner contends that claim 51 requires                  
          only that the flag be set after one of the subscribers                      
          receives one of the information entities and that the set flag              
          indicates only receipt of an information entity by the                      
          subscriber.  This does not, necessarily, entail the setting of              
          the flag “in response to a start bit,” as argued by                         
          appellants.  Thus, the flag may be set in response to any part              
          of the information entity, or message.  That being the case,                
          we agree with the examiner that since Ryckeboer teaches the                 
          transmission of a message if no transmission is detected on                 
          the bus, and claim 51 does not require setting the flag in                  
          response to a start bit, but only in response to any part of a              
          message, this teaching by Ryckeboer of transmitting only if                 
          the bus is idle is equivalent to setting a flag and then                    
          checking as to the status of the flag.                                      
               Appellants take exception to this position, arguing in                 
          the reply brief that under this interpretation there would be               
          no reason to include step d) in claim 51.  However, it is our               

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