Ex parte PRZYBYLA et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-3205                                                          
          Application No. 08/157,198                                                  

               Reference is made to the briefs and answer for the                     
          respective positions of appellants and the examiner.                        

               At the outset, we note that, in accordance with                        
          appellants’ grouping of the claims at page 9 of the principal               
          brief, all claims will stand or fall together.                              
               We reverse.                                                            
               Independent claim 51 requires, inter alia, the “setting a              
          flag after one of the subscribers...receives one of said                    
          information entities,” monitoring the logic state of the                    
          serial bus during the bus monitoring period “at a monitoring                
          rate sufficiently high so that receipt of one of said                       
          information entities is immediately detected during receipt of              
          said start bit...of said information entity so detected,” and               
          “determining a state of said flag after expiration of said bus              
          monitoring time period.”  Independent claim 58 recites similar              
               Appellants argue that Ryckeboer never discusses the                    
          setting of a flag in a transmission ready subscriber in                     
          response to detection of the start bit of a message being                   

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