Ex parte REINMUTH - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1997-4120                                       Page 5           
          Application No. 08/347,341                                                  

          arguments of the appellant or examiner in toto, we refer the                
          reader to the appeal and reply briefs and the examiner’s                    
          answer  for the respective details thereof.                                 

               In reaching our decision in this appeal, we considered                 
          the  subject matter on appeal and the rejection and evidence                
          advanced by the examiner.  We also considered the arguments of              
          the  appellant and examiner.  After considering the record                  
          before us, we cannot say that the evidence and level of skill               
          in the art would have suggested the invention of claims 4-6.                
          Accordingly, we reverse.                                                    

               We begin our consideration of the claims by recalling                  
          that in rejecting claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103, the patent                  
          examiner bears the initial burden of establishing a prima                   
          facie case of obviousness.  A prima facie case is established               
          when the teachings from the prior art itself would appear to                
          have suggested the claimed subject matter to a person of                    

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