Ex parte ENGELSON et al. - Page 19

          Appeal No. 1999-0610                                      Page 19           
          Application No. 08/601,186                                                  

          record that appellants' specification, at page 6, discloses                 
          several polymers or oligomers suitable for carrying out the                 
          invention and does not suggest that use of the particularly                 
          claimed polymers or oligomers would have yielded different or               
          superior results to those of the other disclosed materials.                 
               To summarize, the decision of the examiner to reject                   
          claim 49 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, and claims                
          49 through 60 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is reversed.  The                       
          examiner's decision to reject claims 49 through 60 under the                
          judicially created doctrine of double patenting is affirmed.                
          Accordingly, the examiner's decision to reject claims 49                    
          through 60 is affirmed.  Additionally, the application is                   
          remanded to the examiner for consideration of the issues                    
          discussed above.                                                            
               In addition to affirming the examiner's rejection of one               
          or more claims, this decision contains a remand.  37 CFR                    
          § 1.196(e) provides that                                                    
               Whenever a decision of the Board of Patent Appeals and                 
               Interferences includes or allows a remand, that decision               
               shall not be considered a final decision.  When                        
               appropriate, upon conclusion of proceedings on remand                  
               before the examiner, the Board of Patent Appeals and                   

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