Ex parte BRITT - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1999-0635                                            6           
          Application No. 08/688,825                                                  

          interpreting the scope of the claim.  See Kropa v. Robie, 187               
          F.2d 150, 152, 88 USPQ 478, 481 (CCPA 1951).                                
               In the case of appellant's claim 5, the language in the                
          body of the claim shown in bold above appears to us to                      
          incorporate the door mentioned in the preamble as part of the               
          claimed invention because incorporation of the door is                      
          essential to permit one of ordinary skill in the art to                     
          understand what is meant by the limitations shown in bold and,              
          hence, what structure is required to meet those limitations.                
          Moreover, as the door is further limited in the preamble as                 
          being "mounted to a door frame," this limitation is further                 
          incorporated as part of the claimed invention.  See Bell                    
          Communications Research, Inc. v. Vitalink Communications                    
          Corp., 55 F.3d 615, 620, 34 USPQ2d 1816, 1820 (Fed. Cir. 1995)              
          (In a claim reciting in the preamble a "method for                          
          transmitting a packet . . . said packet including a source                  
          address and destination address," the steps of broadcasting                 
          "said packet" and associating an identifier with "said packet"              
          in the body of the claim were held to have incorporated by                  
          reference the preambular phrase "said packet including a                    
          source address and destination address."  As a result, the                  

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