Ex parte SADLIER et al. - Page 3

                Appeal No. 99-0838                                                                                                        
                Application 29/064,666                                                                                                    

                        The appealed design claim stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                        

                Imperial in view of Sweetheart.  According to the examiner                                                                

                        “[T]he Sweetheart lid teaches that it would have been obvious to a designer of                                    
                        ordinary capability in the art at the time the invention was made to modify the parapet                           
                        walls of the Imperial lid by changing their continuous slope to a combination of sloping                          
                        on one half of the lid,  and level on the other  half” (answer, page 4).                                          

                Other differences, such as the flat circular center section of the claimed lid, the planar lower flange and               

                the squaring of the outer upper corners of the parapet wall have been characterized by the examiner as                    

                being de minimis and not sufficient to patentably distinguish the overall appearance of the claimed design                

                from the lid resulting from the combination of the Imperial lid and the Sweetheart lid.                                   

                        Reference is made to the examiner's answer (Paper No. 8, mailed August 19, 1998) for the                          

                examiner's complete reasoning in support of the above-noted rejection.  Attention is directed to                          

                appellants’ brief (Paper No. 7, filed May 5, 1998) and reply brief (Paper No. 9, filed October 23,                        

                1998) for a full exposition of appellants’ arguments thereagainst.                                                        


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Last modified: November 3, 2007