Ex parte SADLIER et al. - Page 7

                Appeal No. 99-0838                                                                                                        
                Application 29/064,666                                                                                                    

                carrying the drinking aperture slopes about 1/3+ of the lid and the remaining portion of the lid has no                   

                parapet wall at all.                                                                                                      

                        In the final analysis, we are of the opinion that the collective teachings of the Imperial lid and the            

                Sweetheart lid would not have led the designer of ordinary skill in the art to modifications of the                       

                Imperial lid which would have resulted in a cup lid having an overall appearance and creating a visual                    

                impression like that of the lid design claimed by appellants.  It is our view that the evidence before us                 

                considered as a whole would simply not have been suggestive of the distinct ornamental appearance of                      

                appellants’ claimed cup lid design.  For that reason, we will not sustain the examiner's rejection of                     

                appellants’ design claim under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                                                           

                        Since we have determined that the examiner has failed to establish a prima facie  case of                         

                obviousness with regard to the claimed design, we find it unnecessary to consider appellants’ evidence                    

                of secondary considerations relating to commercial success.                                                               


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