Ex parte SADLIER et al. - Page 6

                Appeal No. 99-0838                                                                                                        
                Application 29/064,666                                                                                                    

                the design characteristics of which are basically the same as the claimed design. Where we part                           

                company with the examiner is in the conclusion that the Sweetheart lid design would have been                             

                suggestive to the designer of ordinary skill in the art of modifications of the Imperial lid necessary to                 

                arrive at a cup lid that looks like the cup lid claimed by appellants. More particularly, we do not agree                 

                with the examiner that the Sweetheart lid would have been suggestive of changing the continuous slope                     

                of the parapet wall on the Imperial lid to “a combination of sloping on one half of the lid, and level on                 

                the other half” (answer, page 4).                                                                                         

                        In this regard, we agree with the arguments made by appellants on pages 2, 3 and 4 of their                       

                reply brief, that even if one were to attempt to combine Sweetheart’s teachings with those of Imperial,                   

                one would not come up with appellants’ claimed cup lid with its distinctive three-part upstanding                         

                parapet wall.  Simply stated, appellants’ completely surrounding upstanding parapet wall with three                       

                distinctly different sections (i.e., a small horizontal-upper flat drinking aperture section, a sloping-middle            

                section and a large horizontal-lower flat section) is not taught or suggested either singly or in any                     

                possible combination of the Imperial lid and the Sweetheart lid.  Like appellants, we observe that                        

                neither of the applied references shows or suggests a cup lid that includes a parapet wall with any level                 

                section whatsoever.  The completely surrounding parapet wall of the Imperial lid appears to slope                         

                smoothly and continuously across the entire lid, while the upstanding wall portion of the Sweetheart lid                  


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