OATES V. RIVETTI et al. - Page 16

          Interference No. 102,622                                                    

          the applications." (footnote omitted).  There is simply no                  
          evidence in this record which establishes what work Mr. Morris              
          performed with respect to any particular application on any                 
          particular date in question.  As the party with the burden of               
          persuasion, that was Oates' burden.                                         
                    Nonetheless, Oates urges that we should conclude                  
          from the evidence of the above-noted sporadic activity by                   
          Oates or her agents during the critical time period that the                
          time intervals which intervene between the evidence of actual               
          activity should be presumed to have been spent by Morris or                 
          others actively acting on filing her application.  However,                 
          contrary to Oates' argument, it does not necessarily follow                 
          from the evidence before us that Mr. Morris was actively                    
          engaged in working on the Oates' application during every time              
          period for which there is no evidence of activity.  The simple              
          fact is we do not know from the record before us what work Mr.              
          Morris performed on what dates or on what application.                      
          Indeed, Mr. Morris' testimony on this matter is revealing.                  
                    On cross examination, Mr. Morris conceded that he                 
          did not keep any records of how he spent his time on a daily                
          basis (OR p.228, lines 9 through 23) and that he had no                     
          written records indicating how much time he spent on any                    

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