CHRIST et al. V. BLAKE - Page 23

          Interference No. 103,435                                                    

          date.  We do not agree.  The Fencil notebook clearly states                 
          that disc or optics were attached to loops or haptics:                      
                    Molds were made in the form of discs with                         
                    grooves for loops.                                                
                    The disc was 1 cm. in diameter.  The loop                         
                    grooves were the same size as the loop                            
                    grooves on lens molds.                                            
                    Loops were made in the normal S1-20B                              
                    configuration and also without the accu-                          
                    anchor. . .                                                       
                    Both types of loops protruded into the mold                       
                    (an also the lens) approximately 040". . .                        
                    The loops were plasma treated under the                           
                    following condition:                                              
                         80 watts                                                     
                         30 minutes                                                   
                         13.8 MegaHertz                                               
                    Immediately after the plasma treatment, the                       
                    loops were removed to air and placed in the                       
                    molds.  Silicone (LSM-1) was added, the                           
                    molds closed and clamped.  This operation,                        
                    for all ten molds took 30 minutes.  The                           
                    silicone was cured for 15 minutes at 150 C                        
                    then removed from the oven and cooled in                          
                    water. [Christ Exhibit 16]                                        


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