CHRIST et al. V. BLAKE - Page 24

          Interference No. 103,435                                                    

               In view of the foregoing, it is our finding that the                   
          Junior party reduced the invention to practice not earlier                  
          than the last day of 1987 or December 31, 1987.                             
                   The diligence of Christ’s reduction to practice                    
               Now that we have found that Richard Christ conceived the               
          invention in 1985 and reduced the invention to practice on                  
          December 31, 1987, we must determine whether the Junior party               
          was diligent from just prior to the date of the Senior party’s              
          conception, August 1987, to the Junior party’s own subsequent               
          reduction to practice, December 31, 1987.  Diligence, within                
          the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 102(g) requires continuous activity              
          during the critical period.  Burns v. Curtis, 172 F.2d 588,                 
          591, 80 USPQ 587, 589 (CCPA 1949).  To satisfy the reasonable               
          diligence requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 102(g), the party                      
          chargeable with diligence must account for the entire period                
          during which diligence is required.  Gould v. Schawlow, 363                 
          F.2d 908, 919,                                                              
          150 USPQ 634, 643 (CCPA 1966).  Evidence of diligence during                
          the critical period may be shown either by affirmative acts or              
          acceptable excuses or reasons for failure of action.  Hull v.               


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