CHRIST et al. V. BLAKE - Page 25

          Interference No. 103,435                                                    

          Davenport, 90 F.2d 103, 105, 33 USPQ 506, 508 (CCPA 1937).                  
               The Junior party has not addressed this issue in its main              
          or reply brief.  However, the evidence shows that between                   
          October 9, 1986 and February 2, 1987, Fencil performed a                    
          series of experiments on the invention (Christ Exhibit 4).                  
          The evidence also indicates that on June 22, 1988, Richard                  
          Christ sent a memo to various people in R&D at Allergan                     
          informing them of the status of the loop bonding project                    
          (Christ Exhibit 14).  The memo does not discuss the critical                
          period form just before August 1987 until December 31, 1987.                
          The Junior party has also filed an interoffice memo dated                   
          December 5, 1988.  However, this memo also fails to mention                 
          the critical period between just prior to August 1987 and                   
          December 31, 1987.  The Junior party has not directed our                   
          attention to any evidence that shows diligence from just prior              
          to August 1987 to December 31, 1987.                                        
               Therefore, it is our conclusion that the Junior party has              
          not established diligence during the critical period.                       
               As we have determined that the Junior party has failed to              
          establish diligence during the critical period the issue                    


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