CHRIST et al. V. BLAKE - Page 26

          Interference No. 103,435                                                    

          raised in the Senior party’s motion under 37 CFR §§                         
          1.635/1.618(a)/1.645(b) regarding the admissibility of Christ               
          evidence is moot.                                                           
              The Junior party’s allegation of inequitable conduct by                 
                                     Larry Blake                                      
               The Junior party argues that the Senior party’s failure                
          to disclose to the Patent and Trademark Office the prior                    
          invention of the Junior party is inequitable conduct.  The                  
          Junior party also argues that the Senior party had                          
          constructive knowledge of the prior invention of Christ                     
          because when Larry Blake first brought the Larry Blake                      
          disclosure to the law firm of Knobbe, Marten, Olson and Bear                
          (“Knobbe”), the Knobbe law firm had already received the                    
          Christ disclosure.  In addition, the Junior party states that               
          there was an apparent “mingling” of the files because a corona              
          brochure which Larry Blake remembers giving to the Knobbe firm              
          was found in the Christ application.  The Junior party further              
          alleges that the Knobbe firm conducted a literature search on               
          the publications of Dr. Mayhan, who was the director of the                 
          Technology and Ventures laboratory in which the Junior party                


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