Ex parte BOUTAGHOU - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2000-0617                                                        
          Application 08/706,025                                                      
          mounting having a second concave bearing surface centered                   
          about said axis and in contact with said second ball; and                   
               a rotor comprising:                                                    
               (a) a rotor housing;                                                   
               (b) means for imparting torque to said rotor in response               
          to an electro-magnetic field generated by said stator;                      
               (c) a third concave bearing surface centered about said                
          axis and in contact with said first ball, said third concave                
          bearing surface opposing said first concave bearing surface                 
          along said axis, said first and third concave bearing surfaces              
          confining said first ball, and                                              
               (d) a fourth concave bearing surface centered about said               
          axis and in contact with said second ball, said fourth concave              
          bearing surface opposing said second concave bearing surface                
          along said axis, said second and fourth concave bearing                     
          surfaces confining said second ball;                                        
               wherein said third concave bearing surface and said                    
          fourth concave bearing surface are positioned between said                  
          first concave bearing surface and said second concave bearing               
          surface, said rotor being supported entirely by said first and              
          second balls.                                                               

                                The Nagata reference                                  
               10. Nagata discloses a bearing system in a motor for a                 
          floppy disk drive.                                                          
               11. Nagata describes a rotor 8 supported at one end by a               
          pivot bearing 11 and at the other end by a pivot bearing 23.                
          (Fig. 1).                                                                   
               12.  The pivot bearings 11 and 23 each comprise three                  


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