Ex parte TAMURA - Page 8

                   Appeal No. 1996-0111                                                                                                                             
                   Application 08/041,428                                                                                                                           

                            Having reviewed the disclosure of the parent applications, we find no description                                                       
                   within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, of the concept of homeostasis or                                                         
                   homeostatic balance.  Further, the use of the terminology "homeostasis" and "optimum                                                             
                   health" at pages 2-3 of the present specification suggests that they are more reasonably                                                         
                   intended to refer to alternative aspects of health rather than, as urged by appellant, a                                                         
                   situation where homeostasis is merely encompassed within the concept of optimum                                                                  
                   health.  Therefore, we find no error in the examiner's determination that claims 25-26 are                                                       
                   entitled to the filing date of the current application as the effective filing date.  Thus, we                                                   
                   agree with the examiner that Tamura I, Tamura II, and Itoh constitute prior art as to these                                                      
                            In sitting forth the basis of the rejection of claims 25-26 the examiner cites Tamura I                                                 
                   as teaching (Answer, page 11):                                                                                                                   
                            purification of bovine "  -AGP and raising antisera for use in a single radial                                                          
                            immunodiffusion assay.  Tamura further discloses elevated serum "  -AGP                                                                 
                            in animals with various conditions, e.g., see p[age] 933: "The amount of                                                                
                            circulating " -AG  also seems to correlate with the extent of the disease ...                                                           
                            Therefore, quantitative measurement of serum " -AG in cattle may be a                                                                   
                            useful aid in monitoring the course of various diseases ... Furthermore,                                                                
                            increases in " -AG without apparent diseases may indicate sub-clinical                                                                  
                            pathological conditions."                                                                                                               

                            1The designation "AG", as used in Tamura I, Tamura II, and Itoh, represents " -1-                                                       
                   acid glycoprotein.  See Tamura I at page 987, line 1 of the Abstract.                                                                            

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