Ex parte SMITH et al. - Page 2

               Appeal No. 1996-0328                                                                                               
               Application 08/060,891                                                                                             

               Beran et al. (Beran)                  U.S. Patent 4,508,842          Apr.  2, 1985                                 
               Tominari et al. (Tominari)            U.S. Patent 4,668,752          May 26, 1987                                  
               Warren (Warren)                       U.S. Patent 4,820,557          Apr. 11, 1989                                 
               Durand et al (Durand)         U.S. Patent 4,857,611          Aug. 15, 1989                                         
               Lustig et al. (Lustig)                U.S. Patent 4,863,769          Sep.    5, 1989                               

               Steinert et al. (Steinert)            United Kingdom 2,125,417              Mar.  7,  1984                         
               Kohyama et al. (Kohyama)              European Application 109,779          May 30,  1984                          
               Karol et al. (Karol)                  European Application 120,503Oct.   3,  1984                                  
               Machon et al.  (Machon)2                       Canadian Patent 1,193,395             Sep. 10,  1985                         
               Sugahara et al.  (Sugahara)3                      Japanese Patent 63-30507              Feb.   9,  1988                        

                      The examiner made four rejections:                                                                          
                              (1) Claims 1, 7-14, 16, 17, 20, 22 and 26-36  under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable                 
                      over the combination of the Lustig, Warren, Steinert, Machon, Kohyama, Tominari, Sugahara and               
                      Durand patents.                                                                                             
                              (2) Claims 15, 18, 19 and 21 under  35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over the                        
                      combination of the Lustig, Warren, Steinert, Machon and Kohyama patents.                                    
                              (3) Claims 15, 18, 19 and 21 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over the combination             
                      of the Lustig, Warren, Beran and Karol patents.                                                             
                              (4) The provisional rejection of claims 1, 7-22 and 26-36 under the judicially created              
                      doctrine of obviousness type double patenting as being unpatentable over claims 1-14, 16-20, 22-            
                      36 and 62 of copending application Serial No. 08/060,783.                                                   
               A.     The claimed subject matter                                                                                  
                      The claimed subject matter is a biaxially stretched, heat shrinkable film comprising a very low             
               density polyethylene (VLDPE).  The specification at page 11 describes VLDPE as “copolymers of ethylene             

                      2Australia patent 556,144, published October 23, 1986, is an English language equivalent of Machon.  All    
               page and line citations will refer to the Australian patent.                                                       
                      3The examiner and applicants refer to this reference as Petrochem (507).                                    

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