Ex parte SMITH et al. - Page 6

               Appeal No. 1996-0328                                                                                               
               Application 08/060,891                                                                                             

                              c.      The Warren patent                                                                           
                      Warren describes thermoplastic packaging films that contain a polymer formed from  ethylene and             
               “one or more alpha olefins.”   The ethylene and an alpha olefin polymer is described as having a density19                                                                                      
                                    3                     3 20                                                                   
               of about 0.911 g/cm  to about 0.935 g/cm .   The polymers are described as linear low density                      
               polyethylene polymers (LLDPE).   The described LLDPE polymers contain ethylene and at least one21                                                                                
               higher alpha olefin.   The described higher alpha olefins include butene-1, hexene-1, pentene-1, and22                                                                                              
               octene-1.   The melt flow ratio is described as the I /I  ratio which is the melt flow ratio of condition23                                                                                                        
                                                                 10 2                                                             
               190/10 to condition 190/2.16 as per ASTM D 1238.   Warren teaches the films can be manufactured into24                                                                 
                                          25                                                      26                          
               shrink (i.e. oriented) films.   Warren teaches the films to have good abuse resistance.                            
                              d.      The Machon patent                                                                           
                      Machon describes the production of copolymers of ethylene and “at least one” C  or greater  alpha           
                     27                                                 3               3 28                                  
               olefin.   The polymers have densities ranging from 0.905 g/cm  up to 0.940 g/cm .   Machon teaches the             

                      19Warren, column 2, lines 21-22.                                                                            
                      20Warren, column 4, lines 16-17.                                                                            
                      21Warren, column 2, lines 63-67.                                                                            
                      22Warren, column 3, lines 59-62.                                                                            
                      23Warren, column 3, lines 62-65.                                                                            
                      24Warren, column 23, lines 26-35.                                                                           
                      25Warren, column 4, lines 44-48.                                                                            
                      26Warren, column 2, lines 37-42.                                                                            
                      27Machon, page 4, lines 3-5.                                                                                
                      28Machon, page 4, lines 5-7.                                                                                

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