Ex parte SMITH et al. - Page 7

                    Appeal No. 1996-0328                                                                                                                                        
                    Application 08/060,891                                                                                                                                      

                    ethylene polymers are suitable for the formation of films which exhibit improved elongation at break and                                                    
                    resistance to tearing.29                                                                                                                                    
                                         e.        The Beran patent                                                                                                             
                               Beran describes the production of copolymers  of ethylene and “at least one” C  to C  alpha30                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                         3       10                             
                    olefin polymers using a supported vanadium catalyst.    The ethylene copolymers are described to be31                                                                                   
                    suitable for a variety of applications including blow moldings and films.                           32                                                      
                                         f.        The Karol patent                                                                                                             
                               Karol describes the production of copolymers of ethylene and “at least one” C  to C  alpha olefin.                        33                     
                                                                                                                                 3      8                                       
                                                                                                                                 3                    3 34                     
                    The ethylene copolymers are described as having densities ranging from 0.86 g/cm  up to 0.91 g/cm .                                                         
                    The ethylene copolymers are said to be suitable for the formation of tubing, hoses and other applications                                                   
                    where toughness and flexibility are desirable.35                                                                                                            
                                         g.        The Durand patent                                                                                                            
                               Durand describes terpolymers of (a) ethylene, (b) propylene and /or 1-butene and (c) a C  to C                      5      8                     
                    alpha-olefin and the process for their preparation.    The ethylene and alpha olefin terpolymers are36                                                                                       

                               29Machon, page 5, lines 6-28.                                                                                                                     
                               30We interpret the term “copolymer” to be polymers formed from two or more monomers.                                                              
                               31Beran, column 2, lines 37-48.                                                                                                                   
                               32Beran, column 3, lines 26-29.                                                                                                                   
                               33Karol, page 5, lines 25-32.                                                                                                                     
                               34Karol, page 8, line 25 to page 9, line 3.                                                                                                       
                               35Karol, page 1, line 30 to page 2, line 2.                                                                                                       
                               36Durand, column 1, lines 9-14.                                                                                                                   

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