Ex parte MORIMOTO et al. - Page 13

          Appeal No. 1996-1080                                                        
          Application No. 07/869,111                                                  

          comparison of the alkyl and alkenyl substituents at the 9-                  
          oxime position of the erythromycin derivatives.  Declarant has              
          not stated that the results of the deoximation experiments are              
          unexpected.  In re Geisler, supra.                                          
               For the foregoing reasons, we determine that the                       
          preponderance of evidence, based on the totality of the record              
          including evidence and arguments for and against                            
          patentability, weighs in favor of obviousness within the                    
          meaning of § 103.  Accordingly, the rejection of claims 1 and               
          2 under 35 U.S.C.                                                           
          § 103 over Faubl in combination with Watanabe and Kirk-Othmer               
          is affirmed.                                                                
               D.  Summary                                                            
               The rejection of claim 3 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                      
          unpatentable over Watanabe in combination with Faubl and Kirk-              
          Othmer is affirmed.  The rejection of claims 1 and 2 under 35               
          U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over Faubl in combination with                 
          Watanabe and Kirk-Othmer is affirmed.                                       



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