Ex parte MORIMOTO et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1996-1080                                                        
          Application No. 07/869,111                                                  

          800 F.2d 1091, 1099, 231 USPQ 375, 381 (Fed. Cir. 1986).  The               
          Declarant has not stated or demonstrated that the results                   
          summarized in Table 1 are unexpected (Watanabe II Declaration,              
          page 8, paragraph (2)).                                                     
               For the foregoing reasons, we determine that, based on                 
          the totality of the record, including the arguments and                     
          evidence presented for and against patentability, the                       
          preponderance of evidence weighs most heavily in favor of                   
          obviousness within the meaning of § 103.  Accordingly, the                  
          rejection of claim 3 under                                                  
          § 103 as unpatentable over Watanabe in combination with Faubl               
          and Kirk-Othmer is affirmed.                                                
               C.  The Rejection of Claims 1 and 2                                    
               Claims 1 and 2 stand rejected under § 103 as unpatentable              
          over Faubl in combination with Watanabe and Kirk-Othmer                     
          (Answer, page 2).  Since appellants have stated that claims 1               
          and 2 stand or fall together (Brief, page 6), we decide this                
          rejection on the basis of claim 1 alone (see 37 CFR §                       
               The examiner finds that Faubl discloses a “closely                     
          analogous erythromycin derivative” but fails to disclose the                


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