Ex parte SIEVERS - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1996-1577                                                        
          Application No. 08/215,205                                                  

          This is a decision on the appeal under 35 U.S.C. §                          
          134 from the examiner’s rejection of claims 1, 2, 5-8, 11-13,               
          18 and 19.  Claims 3, 4, 9, 10, 14 and 15 have been indicated               
          as containing allowable subject matter. Claims 16 and 17 have               
          been canceled.  An amendment after final rejection was filed                
          July 10, 1995.  This amendment has not been officially                      
          entered, and the entry or nonentry of this amendment has never              
          been communicated to appellant.  The appeal brief includes the              
          claims in amended form.  The examiner’s answer indicates both               
          that the appellant’s statement of the status of amendments                  
          after final rejection is incorrect [answer, section (2)] and                
          that the copy of the claims contained in the brief is correct               
          [id., section (6)]. Since the noted amendment only makes minor              
          corrections of form to the claims, our decision is not                      
          affected by whether or not the amendment has been entered by                
          the examiner.                                                               
          The disclosed invention pertains to an apparatus for                        
          dimming a plurality of parallel connected gas discharge lamps.              
          A complete AC supply voltage waveform is applied to each                    
          ballast of the gas discharge lamps upon initial application of              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007