Ex parte SIEVERS - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1996-1577                                                        
          Application No. 08/215,205                                                  

          see how this function is performed in Helmuth using the                     
          control signals as defined by the examiner in the rejection.                
          Thus, we agree with appellant that the examiner has                         
          ignored specific language of claim 1 in making the rejections.              
          Since the examiner has not properly considered the scope of                 
          independent claim 1, he has failed to establish a prima facie               
          case of anticipation or obviousness. Therefore, we do not                   
          sustain the examiner’s rejection of independent claim 1 under               
          35 U.S.C. § 102 or § 103.  Since all the dependent claims                   
          depend from claim 1, we also do not sustain the rejection of                
          any of the dependent claims as well based on Helmuth alone.                 
          Although the teachings of Niimi or Sievers are additionally                 
          applied against claims 7, 8 and 11-13, neither Niimi nor                    
          Sievers overcomes the basic deficiencies of Helmuth discussed               
          above. Therefore, we also do not sustain the rejection of                   
          these dependent claims under                                                
          35 U.S.C. § 103.                                                            
               In conclusion, we have not sustained any of the                        
          examiner’s rejections of the claims. The decision of the                    


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