Ex parte LITTECKE et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1996-1699                                                        
          Application No. 08/077,681                                                  

          have been obvious                                                           
               to modify Appellant’s admitted prior art process by                    
               employing alumina grinding media of a smaller particle                 
               size once he [a person of ordinary skill in the art]                   
               realized that the larger-sized alumina grinding media led              
               to unwanted results, or desired a more exact abrading                  
               procedure.  The size of the grinding media, i.e. 400-1500              
               mesh, is deemed obvious because one having ordinary skill              
               in the art would have arrived at this optimal particle                 
               size without undue experimentation. (Answer, page 4)                   
               The appellants argue that the applied prior art fails to               
          provide the necessary incentive or motivation for modifying                 
          the APA in a manner which would have produced the claimed                   
          method (reply brief, page 3).  We agree.                                    
               We have carefully reviewed both the Reed and Oliver                    
          disclosures, but can find nothing in either reference which                 
          would have reasonably suggested the claimed method to a person              
          of ordinary skill in the art.  We are informed by appellants’               
          specification (page 2) that it is difficult using conventional              
          blasting methods to control the blasting depth, especially                  
          close to the cutting edge of the carbide insert, and that                   

          blasting methods result in damage to the carbide grains and                 

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