Ex parte KURIHARA et al. - Page 9

               Appeal No. 1996-1960                                                                                                    
               Application No. 07/975,167                                                                                              

               soluble in 1 liter of water” (answer, page 12, first full para.).  Ordinarily, when a reference is relied on            

               to support a rejection even in a "minor capacity," that reference should be positively included in the                  

               statement of rejection.  In re Hoch, 428 F.2d 1341, 1342 n.3, 166 USPQ 406, 407 n.3 (CCPA                               

               1970).  The examiner has not cited Morrison as part of the rejection.  However, even if he had,                         

               Morrison is even less persuasive than McCroskey, Farnham, Rauscher or Blair because Morrison only                       

               discloses p-nitrophenol devoid of any saccharide component.                                                             

                       For the above reasons, we find the examiner has not carried his burden of establishing a prima                  

               facie case of obviousness.  Having concluded that the examiner has not established a prima facie case                   

               of obviousness, we do not reach the rebuttal references and declaratory evidence discussed in                           

               appellants’ brief (page 9, fn 1) and reply brief (pages iii-iv).                                                        

                       The rejection of claims 13-20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Kasahara,                        

               McCroskey, Farnham and either Rauscher or Blair is reversed.                                                            


                       To summarize, the decision of the examiner to reject claims 13-20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                      

               being unpatentable over Kasahara, McCroskey, Farnham and either Rauscher or Blair is reversed.                          


                                       WILLIAM F. SMITH                                )                                               
                                       Administrative Patent Judge                     )                                               

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