Ex parte ZEIGLER et al. - Page 2

              Appeal No. 1996-2718                                                                                          
              Application No. 08/221,207                                                                                    

                     This is an appeal under 35 U.S.C. ' 134 from the final rejection of claims 1-4, 6-8, and 10, all       
              the claims remaining in the application.                                                                      
                     Claim 1, the only independent claim, is illustrative of the subject matter on appeal and reads as      
                     A method of producing flexible fibers of a superconducting material, comprising:                       
                             melting a superconducting material in a furnace containing a heating space;                    
                             heating the melted superconducting material to a temperature above its melting point to        
                     form a stream of melted superconducting material;                                                      
                             dropping the stream of the melted superconducting material into a vertically extending         
                     barrel of a nozzle;                                                                                    
                             heating a fiberizing gas to a temperature ranging from 150EF to 750EF;                         
                             blowing the heated fiberizing gas downwardly through the barrel of the nozzle at a             
                     sufficient rate to transform the dropped superconducting material in the barrel into fine ligaments    
                     which cool and solidify in the barrel to form flexible superconducting fibers; and                     
                             collecting the flexible superconducting fibers.                                                
                     The references relied upon by the examiner are:                                                        
              Walz et al. (Walz)                          3,283,039                    Nov.   1, 1966                       
              Wagner et al. (Wagner)                      4,676,815                    Jun.  30, 1987                       
              Bock et al. (Bock)                          5,047,391             Sept. 10, 1991                              
              (filed Aug. 18, 1989)                                                                                         
              A.     Under 35 U.S.C. ' 112, first paragraph, claim 4 is rejected as not having support in the               
              originally filed specification for the invention as now claimed.                                              
              B.     Under 35 U.S.C. ' 112, second paragraph, claims 1-4, 6-9, and 10 are rejected as indefinite            
              for failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which the appellants regard as  
              January 31, 1991 and now abandoned.                                                                           


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