Ex parte KOIZUMI et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1996-3003                                                        
          Application 08/175,182                                                      

          states that references Nakayama, Swartz, and Knowles are cited              
          as cumulative to Lyon, they have not been used in the                       
          rejection of the claims and we shall not rely on them.  Also,               
          the final rejection, Paper No. 14, mailed February 1, 1995,                 
          brings in the reference Chadima, justifying this by stating                 
          Chadima’s use in a prior office action (in a parent                         
          application).  Although the use of Chadima may raise questions              
          as to whether the Paper No. 14 final rejection could be made                
          final, Chadima was made part of the rejection of the claims in              
          Paper No. 14, and any questions of the propriety of the                     
          finality of that rejection are moot since Appellants have gone              
          forward with this appeal.                                                   
                    In addition, we note that the Examiner has conceded               
          our characterization of the outstanding rejection wherein he                
               To simplify the issue, the appellants’                                 
               characterization of the rejection as “Hashimoto                        
               in view of Lyon and Chadima” is accepted.                              
               (Answer-page 3.)                                                       
                    Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellants                 
          and the Examiner, reference is made to the brief, reply brief,              
          answer and supplemental answer for the respective details                   


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Last modified: November 3, 2007