Ex parte KOIZUMI et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1996-3003                                                        
          Application 08/175,182                                                      

          mounting board being connected with at least one device which               
          passes through said casing.” as claimed.                                    
                    We agree with Appellants that “The three references               
          cited by the Examiner, when considered individually or in                   
          combination, fail to teach or suggest the invention defined in              
          Claim 3.”  (Brief-page 10.)                                                 
                    Thus, we will not sustain the 35 U.S.C. § 103                     
          rejection of claim 3.  The remaining claims on appeal also                  
          contain the above limitations discussed in regard to claim 3                
          and thereby, we will not sustain the rejection as to these                  


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