Ex parte KOIZUMI et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1996-3003                                                        
          Application 08/175,182                                                      

          Examiner.  Also, we agree with Appellants that their Figure 2               
          is not available as “prior art” because it was only                         
          acknowledged as “known” to the inventors.  We do, however,                  
          agree with the Examiner that Appellants’ Figure 2 clearly                   
          teaches everything recited in claims 3 through 7 and 9 through              
                    The Examiner has not indicated how Hashimoto and                  
          Lyon are combined, only noting, in Paper No. 10, the lens of                
          Hashimoto and the PC board of Lyon.  With respect to Chadima,               
          the final rejection, Paper No. 14, states:                                  
                         The “first” and “second” surfaces                            
                         are shown in Chaddima (Fig. 4)                               
                         and the mounting board 20 is                                 
                         clearly in a plane which is above                            
                         the “second” reflector.  To place                            
                         the detector on the bottom of the                            
                         board would be a trivial                                     
                         structural modification.                                     
                    First, we see no motivation, stated or otherwise,                 
          for relocating Chadima’s detector to the bottom of the board,               
          other than Appellants’ claim language.  Second, even if one                 
          were to move Chadima’s detector as suggested by the Examiner,               
          and even if this detector relocation were to meet claim 3's                 
          recitation of the board being above the optical path, the                   
          Examiner has not shown where this would result in “said                     


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