Ex parte GROSS - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 1996-3326                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/063,067                                                                                                             

                 Ayling et al. (Ayling)         84/04040            Oct. 25,                                                                            
                 (Published International Application)                                                                                                  
                 Rees et al. (Rees), Chemical Abstracts, 110:112347q (1989)                                                                             
                 Kwon et al. (Kwon),  “Reduced Biopterin as a Cofactor in the2                                                                                                    
                 Generation of Nitrogen Oxides by Murine Macrophages,” J. Biol.                                                                         
                 Chem., Vol. 264, No. 34, pp. 20496-20501 (Dec. 5, 1989).                                                                               
                 Salvemini et al. (Salvemini),  Chemical Abstracts, 115:204139e3                                                                                  
                          Claims 1 through 12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103                                                                      
                 as unpatentable over Rees, Salvemini and Kwon in view of                                                                               
                 Ayling, Spada, Nichol and Austel (Answer, page 4).   We                                   4                                            
                 reverse this rejection for reasons which follow.                                                                                       

                          2The examiner, on page 2 of the Answer, lists the abstract                                                                    
                 of this article as part of the prior art of record relied upon                                                                         
                 in the rejection (“111CA:230525q”) but subsequently employs                                                                            
                 the full article as a basis for the § 103 rejection (see the                                                                           
                 Supplemental Answer dated Mar. 1, 1995, Paper No. 35).                                                                                 
                          3This reference is listed as prior art on page 2 of the                                                                       
                 Answer under the name “Salverini” while recited as “Salvemin”                                                                          
                 in the rejections on pages 3 and 4 of the Answer.  For                                                                                 
                 purposes of this decision, we refer to and cite this reference                                                                         
                 under the name recited in Chemical Abstracts, i.e., Salvemini.                                                                         
                          4The final rejections of claims 1-12 under the first                                                                          
                 paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 and claims 1-12 under 35 U.S.C.                                                                           
                 § 102(b) as anticipated by Rees or Salvemini or Kwon or Spada                                                                          
                 or Nichol or Austel have been withdrawn by the examiner on                                                                             
                 page 1 of the Supplemental Answer dated Mar. 1, 1995, Paper                                                                            
                 No. 35 (see also the Answer, pages 1-2).                                                                                               

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