Ex parte GROSS - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1996-3326                                                        
          Application No. 08/063,067                                                  

          of the claimed method.  The compounds of Nichol may be used to              
          treat “orthostatic hypotension” and other diseases caused by a              
          deficiency of catecholamines and serotonin (column 1, lines 6-              
          16; column 3, lines 1-5; and column 4, lines 55-61).  Thus                  
          Nichol is not concerned with hypotension due to cytokine                    
          therapy or bacterial endotoxins.  Spada does not disclose                   
          treatment of hypotension but is directed to compounds with                  
          cardiotonic properties (column 1, lines 9-16; lines 35-37;                  
          column 2, lines 45-47; and column 14, lines 40-42).                         
               The examiner finds that Ayling teaches “various methods                
          by which pterion [sic] cofactors mediate the enzyme systems                 
          responsible for biological nitric oxide production.” (Answer,               
          page 5).  As noted by appellant on page 23 of the Brief,                    
          Ayling is directed to treating conditions stemming from a                   
          deficiency in tetrahydrobiopterin by providing a substitute                 
          and does not suggest blocking its induction (see Ayling, page               
               For the foregoing reasons, we determine that the                       
          examiner’s conclusion of obviousness is not supported by the                
          facts.  Therefore the examiner has not presented a prima facie              
          case of obviousness.  In view of this determination, we need                

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