Ex parte PENN et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-0068                                                        
          Application 07/923,278                                                      

          claims 24, 30, 34 and 43 is not anticipated by Pomerantz                    
          because Pomerantz does not meet the “first dispenser”                       
          limitations in claims 24, 30 and 43 or the “controlled                      
          dispensing device” limitations in claim 34.  In this regard,                
          claim 24 recites an apparatus for manufacturing three-                      
          dimensional objects comprising, inter alia, a first dispenser               
          operable to dispense a layer of a first material on a target                
          surface “at only selected locations of said target surface,                 
          said selected locations corresponding to a cross-section of a               
          three-dimensional object”; claim 30 recites an apparatus for                
          producing a three dimensional object comprising, inter alia, a              
          controller for loading first slice data corresponding to a                  
          first slice of the object and a first dispenser for dispensing              
          a layer of a first material onto a target surface “at only                  
          locations established according to said loaded first slice                  
          data”; claim 34 recites a system for manufacturing three-                   
          dimensional objects comprising, inter alia, a controlled                    
          dispensing device for dispensing a layer of a first material                
          onto a target surface “at only selected locations                           
          corresponding to a cross-section of an object to be                         


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