Ex parte PENN et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-0068                                                        
          Application 07/923,278                                                      

          locations corresponding or according to a cross-section or                  
          slice of the object.  Since the Pomerantz reference also fails              
          to disclose any other structure meeting these limitations, it               
          is not anticipatory with respect to the subject matter recited              
          in claims 24, 30 and 34 or in claims 25, 26, 28, 31 through 33              
          and 36 through 42 which depend therefrom.                                   
               On the other hand, the Pomerantz resin applicator 540                  
          does meet the first dispenser limitations in claim 43.  These               
          limitations are broader than the parallel limitations in                    
          claims 24, 30 and 34 in that they do not require the first                  
          dispenser to be operable to dispense a layer of first material              
          at “only” selected locations of the target surface                          
          corresponding to a first cross-section of the object.  That                 
          the Pomerantz resin applicator 540 also operates to dispense                
          the layer of first material at additional locations of the                  
          target surface not corresponding to a first cross-section of                
          the object is not excluded by or otherwise inconsistent with                
          claim 43.  Thus, the appellants’ argument that Pomerantz is                 
          not anticipatory with respect to the subject matter recited in              
          claim 43 is unconvincing.                                                   


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