Ex parte DAVIS - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-0606                                                        
          Application No. 08/169,048                                                  

          With respect to independent claim 1, the examiner                           
          indicates how he reads the claim on the disclosure of Frost                 
          [answer, pages 4-5].  Appellant broadly asserts that Frost                  
          does not anticipate the claimed invention because Frost does                
          not teach or suggest steps (a)-(c) and (e) of claim 1 [brief,               
          page 10].  Appellant does not address these steps                           
          specifically, but rather, he argues that the Frost disclosure               
          of suspending pager service prior to traveling and reinstating              
          the service after arrival at a destination is different from                
          the claimed invention [id., pages 10-11].  The examiner                     
          responds that the differences between Frost and the disclosed               
          invention are not relevant to the claimed invention, and that               
          the steps of claim 1 are each performed in Frost [answer,                   
          pages 10-11].                                                               
          We agree with the conclusion of the examiner.  In our                       
          view, each of the steps as broadly recited in claim 1 is                    
          disclosed by Frost.  The paging signals in Frost are                        
          transmitted with location identifiers associated therewith                  
          [see Figure 7, for example].  The Frost system receives                     
          information regarding the new location of the pager.  The                   
          claim does not preclude user intervention in carrying out this              

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