Ex parte DAVIS - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-0606                                                        
          Application No. 08/169,048                                                  

          argument is not persuasive because the home station in Frost                
          must determine the geographic location of the pager based on                
          the remote station which reports the new location to the home               
          station.  We agree with the examiner that the invention as set              
          forth in these claims is fully met by the disclosure of Frost.              
          We now consider the rejection with respect to claim 3.                      
          As noted above, claim 3 was rejected in the final rejection                 
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 based on the teachings of Frost, Beeson               
          and Heffernan.  Appellant’s brief responds to this rejection.               
          The examiner’s answer has changed the rejection of claim 3 set              
          forth in the final rejection to a rejection under 35 U.S.C. §               
          102 as anticipated by the disclosure of Frost.                              
          In the final rejection, the examiner indicated that Frost                   
          did not fully disclose the limitations recited in claim 3                   
          [second final rejection, pages 5-6], however, the examiner                  
          cited Heffernan for teaching the different data rates of claim              
          3.  The examiner has not shown in the answer, however, where                
          this feature of claim 3 suddenly appeared in the disclosure of              
          Frost.  Thus, the examiner has never supported the present                  
          rejection of claim 3 based on Frost alone.  Therefore, the                  
          examiner has failed to establish a prima facie case of                      

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