Ex parte DAVIS - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1997-0606                                                        
          Application No. 08/169,048                                                  

          step.  The Frost system identifies (decodes) the new location               
          of the pager and routes messages addressed to that pager to                 
          the new location.  Since the examiner would appear to have                  
          properly read claim 1 on the disclosure of Frost, and since                 
          appellant has not offered a convincing argument in rebuttal,                
          we sustain the examiner’s rejection of claim 1.  Since claims               
          2, 4 and 5 are not separately argued, we also sustain the                   
          rejection with respect to these claims.                                     
          Although appellant nominally argues the rejection of                        
          independent claims 8 and 13 separately, the arguments                       
          presented are exactly the same arguments we considered above                
          with respect to claim 1.  Since the argued limitations of                   
          claims 8 and 13 are similar to the recitations of claim 1, we               
          sustain the rejection of these claims for the same reasons                  
          discussed above with respect to claim 1.                                    
          Although claims 12, 14 and 15 are nominally argued                          
          separately, appellant makes the same argument with respect to               
          each of these claims.  Specifically, appellant argues that in               
          Frost the geographic area is identified by the user placed                  
          telephone call so that there is no need to determine the                    
          geographic location [brief, pages 13-14, 16 and 17].  This                  

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