Ex parte HARTOG et al. - Page 2

            Appeal No. 1997-1006                                                                         
            Application 08/184,718                                                                       

                                         DECISION ON APPEAL                                              
                  This is a decision on appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 from                                
            the final rejection of claims 9-11, 13-15, and 21-23.                                        
                  We reverse.                                                                            
                  The disclosed invention relates to a superpolishing                                    
            process for making a magnetic disk substrate, for use in a                                   
            magnetic disk drive, with a surface roughness of less than 4 Å                               
                  Claim 13 is reproduced below.2                                                         
                        13.  A magnetic disk substrate, said magnetic disk                               
                  substrate comprising:                                                                  
                        substrate material having a surface roughness of                                 
                  less than 4A [sic].                                                                    

                  The Examiner relies on the following prior art:                                        
                  Pickering et al. (Pickering)               5,374,412   December 20,                    
            (filed October 13,                                                                           

                  Claims 13-15 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as                                
            being anticipated by Pickering.                                                              

              The claims should use the symbol Å for Ångstroms2                                                                                      
            instead of the letter A.                                                                     
                                                 - 2 -                                                   

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